Project 5, Exercise- Working from a photograph

For this exercise, I wanted to chose a photograph that would appeal to my taste both in the actual landscape, but also the colours used within it. This being so, I wanted to choose a warm landscape with a rock formation and receding hills, and so when I typed in English landscape into Google, I searched through the photos until I found one that I liked.

The first step that I took was to experiment with the composition, cropping the image shifting the image and changing the focal points, as there was a tree and a rock formation in the middle ground, that could both potentially be the focus of the piece. Within these experiments I also produced tonal studies and colour studies of the ideas that I wanted to explore. After experimenting with using a portrait frame rather than a standard landscape, I began painting in the portrait frame, but did not take to the composition, and so I began a new painting in square form using the squaring up method from the previous exercise which helped quicken the sketching process.

After sketching, I began painting using very rich, autumnal colours to give a warmth, but also depth as I had a degree of aerial perspective to convey within the painting.

With the painting which is shown below, I believe that I may have been influenced by the photograph than I should have been, often checking for detail, but with that, I do believe that my colour choices and style were my own, as I changed certain shades to work with my own preferences and simplified the landscape in order for the composition to not look crowded with too much detail and marks.


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