Project 1, Exercise- Broken or tertiary colours


Within this project this was one of my favourite exercises, due to the idea of creating more natural colours through not so natural colours. After mixing the orange red and green blue, I was quite surprised at the equidistant colour being grey as one would never even associate grey with either colour, but this set off as an interesting start to the exercise. As directed I then began to mix all the tertiary colours together in similar swatch gradients and didn’t realise for instance to create burgundy, you had to mix orange with purple, rather than a particular ratio of blue and red pigment. I was also surprised to find that all scales had a hint of brown whether in the middle of the scale or nearer the end, and how all the equidistant colours were quite dirty compared to basic colours you buy from a tube. Mainly, this exercise made me come to realisation that you can never know everything about paint and art, because there is always a new technique or an old one that you chose to ignore, that proves you probably don’t know half of the things about basic colour mixing and combinations.

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