Project 3, Exercise- Still life with complementary colours

For this exercise, I found it hard to chose which pair of complementary colours that I would prefer to work with, purely because I have never liked colour contrast in paintings. Eventually, I chose the combination of yellow and violet after having researched other students paintings, and deciding the combination wasn’t so bad after all when used effectively.

As it will be mentioned in the next post, I did not understand that I had to use the same arrangement for the two paintings, and so I will be reproducing this piece with the next arrangement. However, for this individual painting I first chose a mug, a wine bottle, a book and lemons.

After sketching some arrangements, I chose to change the composition to a book, scarf, wine bottle and apples, as inspiration from the other paintings and went onto create a simple watercolour study of the composition. This was because I honestly didn’t have any idea how to manage with changing the colours to fit into the complementary colours, but I managed to get around the weird appearance and begin on the painting with watercolour and acrylic.

Overall, I am fairly happy with the piece that painted, as I managed to get to grips with the way the colours worked together, but also separately. The way that each object appears separately does look decent, and combined together, do not look bad either, but as I previously said, I will be reproducing this painting with a different subject, as I believe the other arrangement will be an improvement on this basic composition.


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