Project 1, Exercise- Drawing the human figure

For this exercise I did not use my own personal model, but instead used a resource that the OCA had recommended previously, which was the Croquis Cafe channel on YouTube, which provides life models and several timed poses. After choosing several videos and models, I began with rough stick men sketches to get an idea of gesture and gravity in the figures, therefore going over my sketches with a Payne’s grey watercolour where gravity would have an impact on the figure.

With doing these quick sketches i was able to get a grasp of how the body flows in different poses and where strain and weight would be emphasised. As I has produced a good amount of quick and easy sketches, i did not chose to make more quick sketches, but instead decided to draw one detailed study in conte pencil, which I decided to make headless, as I thought it would detract the figure’s structure. The study shown below was a good starting point on the course conveying the attachments and flexibility of the human form, and set me off to a good start in this part of the course.


After having spoken with my tutor, I decided to work on a couple more life drawings to work on my anatomy and get to grips with both the female and male figures. Doing this in sketching pencils I was able to create a grayscale image of two figures with very different features. Also, I was able to create a weight and form with the strength and pigment of the pencils, both showing curves of the female body, and the leanness of male figures.


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