Project 4, Exercise- Simple perspective in interior studies

After sketching every room in the house, I couldn’t really find a view where there truly was perspective until I realised every house has a view with perspective- looking down from the top of the stairs. With that in mind, firstly I drew the view with watercolour, and then I made a more accurate sketch with a pencil.

With drawing an accurate sketch with perspective, this made the conversion to a bigger sketch for the painting much easier to produce. After having sketched the piece out on mixed media card, I used a mix of watercolour and acrylic to produce the painting, which was actually made a little easier due to the fact that every room, hall way and staircase id brown. Due to the fact that this was an exercise in perspective, I made sure to give a sense of aerial perspective by fading the staircase the further down the steps went, and also make sure the steps got smaller each time. With the use of the hand rail by the side, this also creates more perspective, giving the piece a foreground and a background, and I’m happy that such a simple, muted example of perspective could produce and accurate painting with the techniques of perspective.


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